About Celebrate Prints, Inc.

We are the parent company of The Funeral Program Site and specialize in personalized in loving memory keepsakes. If you're looking for printed memorials, be sure to check out our Funeral Program Site to see the wide array of printed memorials you can download and order! With the internet growing more crowded everyday, we know you have options when it comes to shopping for a perfect memorial. We want to assure you that you have come to the right place and have found the leader in the industry for memorial products. We stand apart from our competition with our professional artwork and products! Although shopping on the web is now more common, it still can be risky or even scary, since you never know what kind of business you are truly dealing with.
You can feel confident that we are real people behind this website, who genuinely care about servicing the bereaved. We invite you to view our actual product photos which we take so we can share them on our social media. Sometimes, we do get busy on our phone lines and you may not be able to get through to us right away but we do respond to each and every message promptly. We listen to your voicemails and read every email. So please leave us a message and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible!
Specializing In Personalized Memorials
We own all our own personalization equipment in house so we have complete control over our production times. Each product is given strict quality control prior to shipment so you can ensure you get a great memorial! We are always on the hunt for new memorial ideas so we can stay one step ahead of the competition and offer you the most innovative and new one-of-a-kind memorial keepsakes.
I want your experience with us to be a favorable one. Our goal is to support you and provide the assistance you need in ordering a memorial that everyone will cherish. If we can answer any additional questions for you, please contact our customer care line at: (214) 548-5418 or via our contact page form. I am always interested in hearing your feedback so we can continually better ourselves to serve you. You can use our services in as much or as little as you need our help. In whatever capacity, we are always happy to help!
If you'd like to stay in touch with us for our latest news, discount offers and new template designs, follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter. You will be privy to some valuable tips, future coupons and freebies. We don't like spam and will never impose ourselves on you but will only send you great pertinent information and savings!